download-kali-linux-2.0-the-most-popular-linux-distribution-for-security testing

Download kali linux 2.0- the most popular linux distribution for security testing

Kali Linux 2.0

Kali Linux 2.0 is a well-known Linux distribution and is a newer version of BackTrack distribution. The most important difference between the two distributions is at the foundation of each. Kali Linux based on Debian Linux is available. Developers backtracks after the publication of the last edition of this distribution called BackTrack 5 R3 decided to develop and release a comprehensive and complete than were called Kali. Distributed by professionals the ability to discover and fix bugs in systems, networks and sites themselves.

Who eats the pain Kali Linux?
>  Use this tool if you have the expertise and ability to work with terminal commands.

What tools on Linux?
> I must say nearly 300 in Kali Linux penetration testing tools, the tools to break into databases,   data analysis and breaking passwords to hack the operating system known as Android!

A number of Kali Linux 2.0 tools:

  1. Air-crack-ng 
  2. Burp Suite 
  3. THC Hydra 
  4. John the Ripper 
  5. Maltego 
  6. Metasploit 
  7. Nmap 
  8. Owasp Zap 
  9. Sqlmap 
  10. Wireshark 
  11. Information Gathering 
  12. Vulnerability Analysis 
  13. Web Applications 
  14. Password Attacks 
  15. Wireless Attacks 
  16. Exploitation Tools 
  17. sniffing / Spoofing 
  18. Maintainingaccess 
  19. Reverse Engineering 
  20. Stress Testing 
  21. Hardware Hacking 
  22. Forensics 
  23. Tools Reporting 
  24. System Services

Some features of  Kali Linux 2.0 is as follows:

  1. - Full customization of ISO files
  2. - High flexibility
  3. - Installation of the USB and LUKS encryption technology
  4. - Ability to install or boot through Live DVD
  5. - Ability to run through the machines Mhazy and EFI boot support
  6. - Standard FSH-based file system
  7. - Support for multiple languages
  8. - Installation of the USB and LUKS encryption technology
  9. - Ability to install or boot through Live DVD
  10. - Ability to run through the machines Mhazy and EFI boot support.

 ZiP File Password: www.melidownload.com

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