The latest version 12 Directx - to run the games
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To perform three-dimensional games need to install DirectX, if the old version installed, it may not perform at the game! Usually required version of the same game play along CD is included and you can install it with games. Microsoft DirectX is a collection of APIs (application programming interfaces (API to manage tasks related to program multimedia, especially game programming and video, on Microsoft platforms is. In fact, the name of the "APIs" (API's) all with Direct start, such as Direct3D, DirectDraw, DirectMusic, DirectPlay, DirectSound and the same. DirectX, then, a general term for all these Direct-something APIs, and that term was the name of the collection. After the introduction of Xbox, Microsoft designed APIs for multi-platform games such as XInput, to supplement or replace individual DirectX components are released.

The reasons for software installation DirectX:

  • - Implementation of new games 
  • - Enable new features on the cards 
  • - an increase in processing power windows graphics 
  • - needed to run the 3DMark Vantage test programs such as the graphics system 
  • - fix errors computer games 
  • - Speed games 
  • - Use the highest sound card facilities 
  • - needed programs animation 
  • - and ...

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