PHP Social Microblogging is the brand name of the script that enables you to other social networks like Twitter as a network or create a microblog. The script looks like and facilities in Twitter enables you to create an advanced social network. The possibilities of this system can be used to write 140-character limit, the ability to choose the image for the profile, the usability of the #hashtag, the ability to refer to others using @mentions, a design similar to Twitter, the ability to select the background image, the ability to design your personal page, ability to follow the others, the ability to upload a cover image and more. General refer to this system.

  • Login and user membership
  • The ability to seek out others
  • Ability to design Profile
  • Ability to select a cover image
  • Ability to select avatars
  • Search the site
  • The ability to send private messages directly
  • Ability to use #Hashtag
  • The ability to refer to others using @mentions
  • Ability to Find others
  • The use of Ajax in system
  • The ability to upload videos from YouTube and Vyymv
  • The activation
  • Ability to display the Verified users
  • Reporting capabilities posts
  • Forgot password by username / email
  • Strong management system
  • User management capabilities
  • Ability to manage keywords and site description (SEO)
  • Template is compatible with all browsers
  • Content management system reports
  • The ability to create static pages
  • Ability to block / remove users
  • Ads Management System
  • And many other features ...

Installing script:

The contents of the folder on your host upload Script
Create a database in Mysql database file in the folder to import your social.sql
Db.php open files in the application and profile database and Web site address and enter the save file
Installation is finished. Management admin user name and password to log in to use 12345
The requirements of the script:

PDO Driver
GD Library
We recommend QuickBooks channel in the telegram follow the script. Click here


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